# humanstxt.org/ # The humans responsible & technology colophon _ _ _ _ | | ___| | _______ _(_) ___(_)_ _ ___ | | / _ \ |/ / _ \ \ / / |/ __| | | | / __| | |__| __/ < __/\ V /| | (__| | |_| \__ \ |_____\___|_|\_\___| \_/ |_|\___|_|\__,_|___/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PERSONAL WEBSITE OF JONAS LEKEVICIUS ~ Version 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written, designed, developed and published by Jonas Lekevicius Email: my first name at this domain Twitter: @lekevicius Location: Vilnius, Lithuania -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2005-2022 Jonas Lekevicius The content of the website is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ The design and code are copyrighted. The source is made available: https://github.com/lekevicius/lekevicius.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNOLOGY STACK Built with Gatsby, a React + GraphQL static site generator. Additional packages: - MDX - for infusing Markdown with React components - Tailwind CSS - for adding utility classes - Tippy.js - for great tooltips Coded with Visual Studio Code. Designed in Figma. The site uses Google Analytics for analytics. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------